Thursday, October 11, 2012

Vice Presidential Debate

DatzRad: In this corner, weighing in at 162 pounds
DatzRad: the wonky rock, the budgeting bludgeon, the cheesehead with the heart of gold
DatzRad: Congressman Paul Ryan!
P90SexBudget: Thank you, Martha.
DatzRad: And in this corner, weighing in at a hefty 211 pounds
DatzRad:  the General of Gaffe, the Catholic Champ, the Amtrak Armadillo
DatzRad: Vice-President Joe Biden!
Bidenmytime: Thank you, Martha.
DatzRad: Ladies and gentlemen...
DatzRad: you're here to see some policy pounding
DatzRad: and hyperbolic discounting
DatzRad: and these two men are going to kick the crap outta each other!
DatzRad: So without further ado

P90SexBudget: Um, no.
Bidenmytime: Yeah, hell no.
P90SexBudget: We're here to have a serious, but respectful debate about the issues that matter to Americans.
Bidenmytime: I agree with Mr. Ryan. The great problems facing America today demand that we conduct ourselves civilly, if energetically, in defense of our respective visions of America.
P90SexBudget: Though we fundamentally disagree on certain points, have no doubt - each of us loves America, and, I, for one, recognize Vice President Biden's personal courage and character, and commend him for his service to this nation.
Bidenmytime: I couldn't agree more. Whatever differences we have politically, I refuse to attack personally a man who has done his best to represent his constituents and articulate a vision for America's fiscal salvation.

TheHopeinator: BOR-ING
MormoneyMitt: I agree. Do we have to watch this crap?
MormoneyMitt: And why are we watching this together?
TheHopeinator: I told you, Michelle's having hen's night book club in at the house
TheHopeinator: They're discussing Fifty Shades of Gray
MormoneyMitt: Ew.
TheHopeinator: exactly
TheHopeinator: Actually, this debate might be a problem.
MormoneyMitt: Whaddya mean, BO?
TheHopeinator: Don't call me that, Jesus-pants.
MormoneyMitt: Hey! They're for my religion.
TheHopeinator: Whatever. Sorry. Truce?
MormoneyMitt: Pinkie truce, or it doesn't count.
TheHopeinator: Fine.
TheHopeinator: Anyway, the problem is that if they look too, you know, presidential
TheHopeinator: then people are going to wonder why the hell we're at the top of the ticket
MormoneyMitt: Oh... like why do we need the Black Panther not-born-here socialist without a sense of humor
TheHopeinator: or why do we need the stuck-up, flip-flopping, Wall Street fat cat without a sense of humor
MormoneyMitt: Ouch. Ok. So what do we do?
TheHopeinator: Easy. You keep highlighting Biden for his gaffes, and use them in your own attack ads.
MormoneyMitt: And you keep highlighting Ryan's anti-old people stance on Medicare.
TheHopeinator: Exactly.
MormoneyMitt: Wouldn't it make more sense to actually run against your record, and not personalities?
TheHopeinator: Well Mitt
TheHopeinator: As you are somewhat personality challenged, you might want to rethink that
MormoneyMitt: Good point
MormoneyMitt: you pompous self-righteous Ivy Tower  dick
TheHopeinator: Hey! Watch it!
MormoneyMitt: Uh, I thought you couldn't read it if I did it slanty
MormoneyMitt: McCain told me that slanty text was supposed to be subtext
TheHopeinator: It's supposed to be sarcasm.
TheHopeinator: Wait... you're getting INTERNET ADVICE from John McCain?
TheHopeinator: America is so fucked if you get elected.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Reference guide to screen names

It has become clear that a lot of people don't know which screen name goes with which political figure. So, even though it's always bad to explain one's jokes, I've created this post as a reference for the confused.

TheHopeinator, Bodhilicious: President Barack Obama. The first screen name should have self-evident origins. The second screen name's meaning is explained in "Cabinet Meeting One".

Bidenmytime: Vice-President Joe Biden, formerly of Scranton, PA and former senator of Deleware. This name is a pun on his name, and on the phrase "biding my time". Prior to recent history, the vice presidency was seen as largely ceremonial, and only important in the event that the president dies or is otherwise removed from office. Biden often appears folksy and somewhat simple. His son and brother were involved in running Paradigm Capital, a hedge fund accused of fraud in 2009.

SecStateHRC, Sxxxebody4u: Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton was also Obama's chief rival in the 2008 Democratic Presidential nomination contest.

SarahLawrenceDance81: Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff for President Obama. Emanuel has a well-deserved reputation for confronation and profanity. Consequently, it is somewhat amusing that he also trained intensely as a ballerino and majored in dance at Sarah Lawrence College, graduating in 1981. Emanuel is also missing a piece of one of his fingers, amputated due to an accident involving a meat slicer at an Arby's.

ReidMyLips89046: Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, representing Nevada. "Read my lips: no new taxes!" was an infamous quote made by George H. W. Bush at the 1988 Republican National Convention. Bush ended up raising (existing) taxes during his presidency to balance the budget. 89046 is the postal zip code of Reid's hometown, Searchlinght, Nevada.

BubbaDC, BubbaNY, BubbaLA: Former President Bill Clinton. "Bubba" is a common nickname in the American South. Clinton's multiple screen names presumably helps him covertly engage in inappropriate correspondence with women.

NancyknowsBo: Nancy Pelosi, Former Democratic Speaker of the House, and current Democratic House minority leader. She represents a district in Northern California. "Knows Bo" is a reference to a prominent, and often parodied, Nike campaign in the late 1980s centering around professional football and baseball player, Bo Jackson. "Bo" also refers to the first and last initials for Barack Obama, as well as the name of President Obama's dog.

GOPBoehner: John Boehner, Former Republican House minority leader, and current Republican Speaker of the House. He represents a district in Ohio. The Republican party is often nicknamed the "Grand Old Party". Boehner himself, in real life, has joked that his name (pronounced BAY-nuhr), is often pronounced (BONE-her). "Boner" is a slang term for an erect penis. Boehner has a reputation of drinking after hours. He is also known for his artifical tan and occasionally tearing up during speeches.

McConnellSanders: Mitch McConnell, the Republican Senate minority leader. McConnell represents Kentucky. The mascot/founder of Kentucky Fried Chicken is referred to as Colonel Sanders.

JanBrewHAHAer: Arizona governor Jan Brewer, a Republican. She is perhaps most famous (or infamous) for signing into law strict anti-immigration laws. A "brouhaha" is defined as "a noisy and overexcited critical response, display of interest, or trail of publicity."

JohnMcCain2000: Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona. John McCain ran for president in 2000 and 2008. He is often satirized for being old and occasionally grumpy; as part of the stereotype, he is characterized as lacking in technical prowess.

TheBachmobileMN: Michele Bachmann, Republican Representative from Minnesota, and former Presidential candidate. She is known for representating the Tea Party, representing the right wing of the Republican party. The Batmobile, of course, is Batman's iconic car. She is sometimes compared with Sarah Palin, and has been criticized for her ideological stances, including the rehabilitation/treatment of gays and suggesting a link between vaccines and autism.

BGates02: Robert Gates, former Secretary of Defense under both George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

ChuChuChusme: Steven Chu, Secretary of Energy. "I Choo Choo Choose You" appears on a pity valentine Ralph Wiggum receives from Lisa Simpson in an episode of The Simpsons.

TheAxeEffect: David Axelrod, Obama's 2008 campaign manager. The "Axe effect" refers to a campaign by Axe deodorant, a pungent product that claims it will make the user irresistable to women.

TakingitLeeTerry: Lee Terry, a Republican congressman from Nebraska. In 2010, the story broke that he had been caught drinking and flirting with attractive female lobbyists. This is of course a pun on the common phrase, "taking it literally"

DuncanDeezNutz: Duncan Hunter, a Republican congressman from California, also accused of inappropriate behavior. "Deez nutz" is a joke originating from the song "Deez Nuuts" by Dr. Dre, and has become a slang term for one's testicles. It is often a non sequitor used to aggravate other participants in a conversation "Dunkin Donuts" is also a popular donut chain in the United States.

SamGraves69: Sam Graves, a Republican congressman from Missouri, criticized for dining with a blond lobbyist.

BigBuckChuck: Charles Wrangel, former Democratic congressman from New York. Wrangel was implicated in tax evasion and ethics violations, and was forced to give up his chairmanship of the powerful House Ways and Means committee.

ShelbyALright: Richard Shelby, Republican senator from Alabama. Pun on "She'll be alright." Also refers to Alabama (AL) and the conservatism of Republicans (right).

KYLingmesftlywhisgun: Jon Kyl, Republican senator from Arizona, considered a strong conservative. A pun on "Killing me softly with his song", a #1 hit in 1973 for Roberta Flack, referring to his strong support of the NRA.

ScottBrownLaw59: Scott Brown, Republican senator from Massachusetts elected to Ted Kennedy's former seat. Fresh-faced, handsome, and young (born in 1959), he is regarded as a posterboy for the Tea Party movement. He famously posed nude for Cosmopolitan magazine while a law student.
Some images borderline NSFW:

Steeleda1: Michael Steele, former Republican National Committee chairman. An African-American, Steele was seen as an attempt by the GOP to broaden its base beyond working class whites. His occasional use of slang and rap references earned more ridicule than respect. "Still the One" is a popular song by Orleans released in 1976.

RonaldReaganBot: An AIM chatbot designed to simulate the late President Ronald Reagan.

RichardNixonBot: An AIM chatbot designed to simulate the late President Richard Nixon.

DanQuayleBot: An AIM chatbot designed to simulate former Republican Senator Dan Quayle. Quayle was young and handsome, and tried to assume the mantle John F. Kennedy. His frequent verbal gaffes, however, convinced many that he was of below normal intelligence. Most famously, during a spelling bee, he told a young child that her correct spelling of "potato" was wrong, because his answer card had it spelled "potatoe". Unlike the other polticians portrayed as bots, Dan Quayle is actually alive.

Luvs2BPampered: Senator David Vitter from Lousiana. Vitter was implicated in a prostitution scandal. Allegedly, he paid prostitutes on Canal Street to put a diaper on him, following which he would be aroused by defecating on himself. Note: he is a CURRENT US Senator. Luvs, Pampers, and Depends are all brands of diapers sold in the United States.

SouthernSpinster: Robert Gibbs, former White House press secretary for President Obama. He was born in Alabama. "Spin" is a term used to describe the process of using communication to characterize an event in a way that benefits a person politically, often with less than rigorous adherence to standards of truth. A spinster is an older, childless woman who has never married.

GohmertPyle: Louie Gohmert, congressman from Texas. Suggested that terrorists were plotting to use babies in attacks against the United States.

RiddleMeDis150: Debbie Riddle, Texas state lawmaker, representing the 150th district, who proposed a restrictive immigration bill modeled on Arizona's controversial law. "Riddle me this" is a phrase used by The Riddler, a villain from the Batman comics series. In the Divine Comedy, Dis is a city that encompasses the sixth through ninth circles of hell, where the most heinous sins are punished.

MormoneyMitt: Mitt Romney, Republican presidential candidate and former governor of Massachusetts. Romney is often characterized as robotic. He is also Mormon. He became very wealthy from his time working at Bain Capital.

RedGroverRedGrover: Grover Norquist, leader of Americans for Tax Reform. Norquist has hundreds of signed letters from Republican politicians at the state and federal levels, in which they pledge not to raise taxes. "Red Rover" is an outdoor game played by children. "Red" also refers to "red state", the color used to indicate Republican victory/voting in electoral maps.

Weinertakesall: Anthony Weiner, former Democratic congressman from New York. Weiner was forced to resign after it surfaced that he had sent inappropriate images to other women. His wife was, at the time, several months pregnant. Play on the common phrase "winner takes all", often used to describe (and often pejoratively) the philosophy of American society.

JEEnsignDVM: John Ensign, a Former Republican Nevada senator. He was brought down by scandal involving an extramarital affair and payments to ensure silence. He is also a veterinarian.

Spitzerswallows: Eliot Spitzer, former New York governor. He resigned after becoming mired in a scandal involving a prostitute. "Spits or swallows", of course, refers to a decision made by a person engaged in oral sex.

JohnE_BeGood: John Edwards, 2004 Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee and 2008 presidential primary candidate. Famous initially for being an advocate for the poor, and later infamous for an affair he had while his wife was undergoing cancer treatment. Johnny B. Goode is a famous 1958 rock 'n' roll song by Chuck Barry.

TheGovernator: Arnold Schwartzenegger, former governor of California. He is perhaps most famous for his role as a villain/hero in the Terminator movie series. He has been plagued by scandals of sexual misconduct his entire career, culminating in the most recent revelation involving sex with a maid that broke apart his marriage to Maria Shriver.

SanfordandGun: Mark Sanford, former governor of South Carolina. Famously disappeared during Father's Day weekend. His aides claimed he was "hiking the Appalachian Trail". He was, in fact, with his mistress in Argentina. Sanford and Son was an American sitcom that ran in the 1970s.

ChrisLeeNY26: Chris Lee, former Republican congressman from New York's 26th district. He resigned after a scandal that involved the solicitation of sex on Craigslist; the evidence included half-naked pictures of himself posted online.

IdahoCraig: Larry Craig, former Republican senator from Idaho. He resigned after being busted by a policeman for engaging in lewd behavior and soliciting sex from the male officer in a bathroom stall in the Minneapolis airport. "I da ho" is also slang for "I am a whore."

KingofClub700: Pat Robertson, a host of the 700 Club, the most important television program on the Christian Broadcasting Network. Roberson has made a number of highly controversial remarks about gays, September 11, and other issues, reflecting his very conservative evangelical Christian and political views.

DickLaw86: Rick Santorum, Republican presidential candidate. Santorum has famously had an image problem stemming from an online effort that equated his surname with the byproduct of anal sex. This movement was spearheaded in response to his anti-homosexual comments.  Santorum graduated Dickinson Law school in 1986.

IfAtFirstYouDontSecede: Rick Perry, govrnor of Texas and former Republican presidential candidate. Perry has stated on numerous occasions that Texas should consider secession (again) in protest of increasing Federal power. (Texas did secede during the Civil War.) There is a commonly-used saying that goes, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again."

TheHappyNewt: Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and representative from Georgia. Often described by colleagues as thin-skinned, and even by family members as grouchy, Gingrich recently injected some humor (intentionally or not) in a presidential debate. When asked for one word he would use to describe himself, he chose "cheerful".

PizzaThatAss: Herman Cain, former presidential candidate and former CEO of Godfather Pizza, Inc. His campaign was plagued by allegations of affairs and sexual harassment.

GoldAynBoi: Ron Paul, representative from Texas and longtime standardbearer of Libertarianism in America. He is a strong proponent of the return to the gold standard. He is also a fan of Ayn Rand's objectivist philosophy; in fact, he named his son Rand. Although old, his young, enthusiastic supporters make his campaigns somewhat more technologically sophisticated.

YouBetchaAK47: Sarah Palin, former governor of Alaska and 2008 Republican Vice-Presidential nominee. She has a child with Down syndrome, and has aggressively retailated against any prominent figure who uses the word "retarded", or otherwise makes a joke about the developmentally disabled.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Club 700 Town Hall Meeting

(reference guide to screen names)

KingofClub700: This is Pat Robertson, welcoming all of you to the first-ever online 700 Club town hall meeting.
KingofClub700: Today we are going to speak with both current and former presidential candidates and discuss their plans to take America in a conservative direction.
KingofClub700: Our first speaker is former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, who won the d6 toss backstage.
DickLaw86: Thank you, Pat.
IfAtFirstYouDontSecede: *giggles*
DickLaw86: Um, is something wrong, former candidate Perry?
IfAtFirstYouDontSecede: well, I don't know about your big city ways
IfAtFirstYouDontSecede: but down here in the South, that screen name'll probably get you into a fight
MormoneyMitt: tee hee
DickLaw86: moron
KingofClub700: Gentlemen, please. We are here to discuss your plans to defeat Mr. Barack Hussein Obama.
TheHappyNewt: As my distinguished colleagues are unwilling to elevate the debate, permit me to discuss my thirty-seven point document for making America a world power again.
TheHappyNewt: I call it Reaching Out to America: 2012.
IfAtFirstYouDontSecede: I think "reaching out" is how you got wife #3.
MormoneyMitt: *high fives*
KingofClub700: Gentlemen!
PizzaThatAss: Hey - I've never been divorced!
IfAtFirstYouDontSecede: Damnit Herman, I'm not talking about you! Go away!
DickLaw86: Hey! It's my turn!
IfAtFirstYouDontSecede: Calm down, McLovin.

MormoneyMitt: headshot!
MormoneyMitt: (that was a double entendre - I'm so clever!)
IfAtFirstYouDontSecede has been blocked by KingofClub700.
KingofClub700: Governor Perry has been banned from this chatroom. My apologies to you all.
MormoneyMitt: Let me be the first to denounce Rick Perry's behavior.
TheHappyNewt: W
TheHappyNewt: T
TheHappyNewt: F
TheHappyNewt: you were cheering him on, you robotic retard
TheHappyNewt: you are the whiniest, most spineless cretin that
TheHappyNewt has been blocked by YouBetchaAK47.
KingofClub700: Thank you, Mrs. Palin.
TheBachMobileMN: Do you know what I think?
TheBachmobileMN has been blocked by YouBetchaAK47.
KingofClub700: ooohkaaaay
MormoneyMitt: I am happy to be here among my conservative brethren.
MormoneyMitt: I mean, not brethren as in Quaker.
MormoneyMitt: Of course not.
MormoneyMitt: They're not mainstream Christian.
MormoneyMitt: ha ha
MormoneyMitt: moving on
DickLaw86: It's my turn!
GoldAynBoi signed on.
GoldAynBoi Ron Paul here.
GoldAynBoi For some reason I didn't get the invitation.
GoldAynBoi But I found out and managed to log in with the help of my digerati acolytes
GoldAynBoi Anyway
GoldAynBoi has been blocked by KingofClub700.
PizzaThatAss: I should still be in the race.
PizzaThatAss: I did not have sex with that woman
PizzaThatAss: or that woman
PizzaThatAss: or the other one
PizzaThatAss: or that one
PizzaThatAss: though I tried really hard on the third one
PizzaThatAss has been blocked by KingofClub700.
MormoneyMitt: I strongly oppose the exemption of contraceptives.
MormoneyMitt: oh wait
MormoneyMitt: I mean I support contraceptives
MormoneyMitt: argh
MormoneyMitt: stupid Mitt! stupid Mitt!
MormoneyMitt: wait!
MormoneyMitt has been blocked by KingofClub700.
KingofClub700: sigh... who's left?
DickLaw86: Me!
KingofClub700: jesus fucking christ
KingofClub700 has been blocked by God.